Student Talent Show Motivational Program
1. Exhibit platform to college student's talent
2. Research based on How to find individual Talent
Student Talent Show Motivational Program
1. Exhibit platform to college student's talent
2. Research based on How to find individual Talent
Connective area
1. To rectify all the clubs barriers of communication
Active zone
1.To activate all indian games inside the campus.
2. To conduct intracollege sports meet in both indoor & outdoor games.
Encouraging corner
1. To motivate the complexed personality.
2. To conduct the programs for the enhancement of their interpersonal skills.
Openhanded program
1. Being generous to oldage homes and orphans on monthly basis.
2. Provides uniforms and books to poors.
3. Conducting medical camp to rural poor people
Mahendra Reader Zone Weekly (or) Monthly Newspapers about Mahendra
1. Increase or inhance the knowledge for everyone.
2. Overview of the technical news.
3. Collect the best and exclusive new for our magazine.
4. Publish those thing which makes viewer more interactive like vocabulary, G.K, Quiz.
Stress Release Zone
1. Will take up a research about below poverty line and rise their standards
2. Recreate our Club to official certified club.
Willpower Zone
1. To encourage our college students to be physically and mentally cultured.
2. To conduct a seminar about intellectual and personal growth.
3. Target students community to be well mannered and disciplined.
Challenge Contest
1. Planned to break a guiness record.
2. Plan to conduct signature forum program.
3. Challenge to all the students and education field and recognise the first rank holders with award.
4. Plan to research in the field of construction and manufacturing technologies.
Planting Zone
1. To plant trees outside the campus.
2. To provide awareness program about usage of recycling product.
Elevating Zone
1. To save the tradition of India.
2. To uplift the tradition of different parts of the world.
3. To eradicate stage fear among the college students.
Agriculture Awareness Program
1. To reduce the usage of insecticides and pesticides to the farmers.
2. Awareness about version of technology and government aid to farmers.
Reach Out and Recover
1. Plan to recover 250 unpopular NGO's in Salem and support them by donating and promoting.
2. Plan to fix swear box to our students inorder to get read social evils.
Guidelines Programs
1. Encourage +2 students to select their careers.
2. Motivate and guide first year students about presentation skills.
3. Guideline for all engineering students regarding GD and the level of interviews and companies.
Ragamuffin Program
1. Treat tattered with good clothes in a friendly manner.
2. Create friendship zone all over the world.
Job Zone
1. Seek job oppurtunities for arrear students.
Free Multilanguage Coaching
1. Provides tips regarding world level languages.
2. Publish video tutorial about foreign languages.
3. All our language coaching available in youtube.
Popular People Zone
1. To publish book about the awards and award winners in india.
2. To popularise the unexplored people and their acheivements.
3. To display achieved local personalities in our websites.
Trendy brain treat
1. Take up the research of existing marketing technology
2. Provide free coaching to poor village students
3. Create awareness about recent trends & expectations
Awareness Program
1. They will create worldwide awareness program about current affairs.
2. Specific Concentration on rural based students
Speak English Zone
1. We conduct weekly Sunday english class for hostel students.
2. We conduct special class by teaching english to all tamil medium Students.
Relaxing corner
1.organize for the relaxing tour to staffs & students
Knowledge Workshop
1. Conduct CADD quest for all civil engineering around the zone.
2. Conduct certified course for all other engineering course.
Feel Fresh Zone
1. Awareness about plastic free zone inside the campus.
2. Awareness about rain water harvesting to new houses.
3. To make vehicle free day per week.
4. Awareness of Deforestation in nearby schools.
5. To conduct clean drainage camps to nearby villages.
Click corner
1.create an album of our students click
2. to teach the tricks of the clicks
Project zone
1. To initiate innovative techniques in engineering.
Foundation Program
1. Reusage of waste wealth.
2. Awareness about causes of Smoking and Drinking.
3. Support one Child Education per year.
Popularity zone
1. Provides an opportunity to the students to explore themselves in the society.
Neat Zone
1. To provide cleanliness awareness to railway passengers.
2. To avoid smoke zone and chewing tobaccos.
3. To provide a seminar regarding clean and health.
Mission Malla lake
1. To initiate school students regarding our nature.
2. Plan to sign MOU with social organization and to work along with them.
3. Awareness about organic food products to the students and urban people.
Excursion Program
1. To organize a summer excursion to all the students.
2. To provide fun based entertainment program.
24*7 Question Corner
1. Awareness about aptitude in interview.
2. Publish a question corner to all the campus.
3. Conduct an intercollege aptitude fest.
4. Share our shortcut techniques through social websites.
Traffic Free Zone
1. To conduct a rally about wearing helmet and road safety to the public.
2. To conduct awareness program about traffics, child labours to the public.
Awareness CD
1. Publish a CD regarding Do's and Dont's of the interview process
Awareness CD
1. Publish a CD regarding Do's and Dont's of the interview process
Organizing Awareness
1. Coach how to organize a program to all the juniors.
2. Coach problem tackling techniques to juniors.
Importance of Education
1. Conduct a workshop to poor childrens about the importance of education.
2. Idea to provide study materials to poor students
License Camp
1. Plan to conduct license camp along with ADZAP, Mock interviews.
Fact Zone
1. To conduct inter college quiz competition.
2. To present posted around campus to showcase the facts.
3. To publish the book with 10,000 facts.